Lost Head Concrete Steel Nails, Zinc or Copper or Black Surface, No Head, Diamond Point, Zhejiang Factory, Near Port, Near Yiwu Category: Special Nail Views: 1362 Inquiry PRODUCT DETAIL Share: PREVIOUS:Copper Plated Concrete Nails with Flat Head or Lost Head, Copper Surface, Strong Rust Proof, Small Box Packing, Zhejiang Plant NEXT:Coil Concrete Nail for Japan Market RELATED PRODUCTS Hardened Steel Finishing Pins Gas Drive Pin/Gas Nail/Gas Shooting Nail for Gas Nailer with Competitive Price Shooting Nail Hook Nails for Pipe Zinc Square Hardened Steel Nails, Competitive Price, Japanese Technology Copper Plated Concrete Nails with Flat Head or Lost Head, Copper Surface, Strong Rust Proof, Small Box Packing, Zhejiang Plant